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Ready to take back control over your personal wellbeing?

Now you can, with the Resonance Code.​ 


Well, to be certain, you've always had the power. It's just that no one has taught you how to use it. (Is that by design? 🤷‍♀️ Maybe.)


​If you feel like you're drowning trying to keep up with all the appointments, medications, televisits, and stacks of medical bills, but you just can't seem to get relief from these problematic health concerns for good, I want to share something with you.​​​

That is by design.

See, despite the best efforts of your doctors to keep you well, they just don't know any other way to do it than to prescribe you the latest and greatest thing on the market. That's what they were trained to do - relieve the symptoms.

But, that keeps you coming back to manage your symptoms over and over again. Which, keeps your doctors (and a host of other entities) in business. Great for making money, but bad for getting you well.

Pill Variety
That puts you in a real predicament.

See, if the doctors are there to make money, but don't know how to get you well, you're spending time, money, and effort on everything under the sun to feel better, and still can't get rid of the actual problem that's giving you the symptoms in the first place.

So what is the problem?
Your energy is out of alignment.

Layman's terms?

It means you've got stuck energy in places it doesn't belong.

When that negative energy gets stuck, it has to come out somehow. And when it does?

You start getting these symptoms you seek help for.

That's what I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to unraveling.

In that time, I've learned there are three main causes of trauma energy to be stuck inside your body.

  • Emotions and Unmet Needs

  • Conflicting Beliefs

  • Transitory Trauma

As a past life regression therapist, I found that quite often, my clients would seek healing, knowing there was something deeper, or something unseen and unrecognized behind their condition.

But rarely was the cause found in a past life. So I searched elsewhere.

Most of the time, the stuck energy was emotional, caused by unmet needs. Around 25% was actively caused by conflicting beliefs. Nearly all had generational trauma hanging around. 

This energetic junk is causing you to feel terrible. But now, you have the key to unlocking your wellness.
I call this key the Resonance Code.

The Resonance Code is my proprietary system of energetic clearing that covers all three causal bases of your stuck energy. You'll learn to tap into the power of your own healing intuition to get relief at the source, so symptoms can find true relief, or go away on their own.

We'll find the source of the trauma causing the symptoms - What happened, and to whom? Was it in this life, or another? It could even be in your own DNA, passed down from many generations. Once we know, we'll clear it out.

Then we'll reset and charge up your energy centers to help you clear that old junk away using whole foods and "feel good foods." I'll even help you create a plan to incorporate these foods into your daily practice, so it becomes a no-brainer!

We'll rewire any conflicting beliefs that linger around, causing you to hold on to that stuck energy, or want to (subconsciously) keep it around. Sounds backward, but these are typically rooted in unmet needs.

I'll show you simple ways to tap into your own healing power, anytime you want, and long after our time together is finished.

And I'll give you practical tips for your own healing, intuitive advice, and hold your hand the whole way in a safe and open space so you can truly feel heard - maybe even for the first time.

That's how we dive deep into true healing work - holistically.


I'm Crysta Foster, past life regression therapist and holistic healer, and I've been exactly where you are right now - getting the endless run around from medical establishments, while practically begging someone to fix the actual problem.

Most of my life I've suffered with severe stomach issues, uncontrolled anxiety, and even at one point, had a cancer scare.


Some things helped my symptoms, but most didn't. Some things made my symptoms worse. I went a more natural route, and found the same things - even things that promised to fix the problem at the root didn't do the job.

As a medium myself, I did a lot of energy healing work for others, but it never occurred to me to use that in conjunction with other methods. But when I did...

I learned that our bodies speak to us in remarkable ways. And most of those "words" are actually feelings, energy, and trauma trying to work itself out of the body to be transmuted into more productive ways.

And when we clear out the old stuff? It makes room for the healing energy we all desperately crave. But more than that, it reconnects you to your true core - your soul. And that is more healing than any one method could ever manage.

The Resonance Code, which I now use with all my clients, helped me to transmute my own trauma and relieve my symptoms, and I know it can do the same for you.

Healing is always a work in progress - the Resonance Code just makes it a lot faster to see results.

See what my clients have to say:

Christina Chiaravalotti, US

First morning in 3 years I didn’t wake up limping with insane back pain. It’s incredible. I feel lighter. I also slept 5 hours without waking up. This is huge. I’ve had insomnia since childhood. I honestly don’t know how to thank you. You’ve helped me more in a few hours than the dozens of doctors I’ve seen.

Isn't it time you started truly healing?

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