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French Coast

Past Life Regression - The Grand Tour

Are you ready to take an incredible journey into the past? Can you imagine what life was like in the middle ages, horses pulling carts, the sounds of the marketplace in the center of the village? Or perhaps you can recall the sound of your loved one's voice and long to make that connection.

This past life regression will take you on a tour of multiple past lives, where you can recall who you were, where you lived, connect with friends and family, and get the lessons you need to move forward in life now.

The Grand Tour Includes:

What Makes the Grand Tour Different?

I developed the Grand Tour because I found there was a huge disconnect between past life seekers and hypnosis practitioners. Most of my clients had failed regressions before they came to me, and were frustrated about spending a lot of money for no results.

I quickly found it was because the expectations were all wrong from the beginning, they didn't have enough instruction, were afraid of the tech or having a regression online, and didn't want to lose anymore money trying past life resources that just didn't work. Worse, even if they had a lackluster regression, they spent a lot of time just to see one single lifetime.

I set out to make it right. I set up all the time consuming preliminary work for you and made it easy to access on demand; I make sure you know what to expect before, during, and after your regression so you can plan accordingly; you get to see multiple past lives, from start to finish; and I show you what to do with that information afterward to see results long after your Grand Tour.

The Grand Tour was born out of all those frustrations my past clients experienced so that you can have a truly remarkable, impactful past life experience that you can remember for the rest of this life, and have an incredible story to share with your loved ones.

See what others have to say:

Christina Chiaravalotti, US

First morning in 3 years I didn’t wake up limping with insane back pain. It’s incredible. I feel lighter. I also slept 5 hours without waking up. This is huge. I’ve had insomnia since childhood. I honestly don’t know how to thank you. You’ve helped me more in a few hours than the dozens of doctors I’ve seen.

 The Grand Tour is right for you if:

✅ You're new to reincarnation or are a past life beginner

✅ You're spiritually minded

✅ You can visualize

✅ You're ready to learn your lessons and heal old energetic ties

✅ You're ready to find answers and take action to get them

​✅ You have a stable internet connection and basic working knowledge of your wireless device

You DO NOT Need:

❌ Prior hypnosis or meditation experience

❌ To know what you're looking to find in your past lives

❌ To have had success with online past life meditation

❌ To worry about falling asleep (you won't!)

❌ To be able to focus or concentrate for long periods

❌ An in-office regression to see your past lives

It's Risk Free.

✅ When you book now, you'll be taken to the calendar to schedule your Grand Tour Interview. If we decide on the interview call that past life regression is NOT for you, you'll get a full refund, then and there. My promise to you is that I won't waste your time or your money if I don't feel like you can have a spectacular past life regression.


Book Now

Here's what to do next:

  1. Click the "Book Now" button to be taken to my calendar.

  2. Pick a time for your Grand Tour interview, and answer the few short questions there.

  3. You'll be asked to complete your payment information (the fee is $350.00 USD).

  4. Attend your interview call for the next steps.

Here's What's Included
with The Grand Tour

You're getting:

  • A 30 minute interview call to cover your questions, expectations, setup, and more

  • The Past Life Prep course to answer common questions, review setup, and more

  • A full 2 - 2.5 hour past life regression where you'll recall multiple lives, find your lessons, and release old energetic baggage

  • Session after-care

  • A full word-for-word PDF transcript of your Grand Tour Regression

  • A past life journal and instructions on how to document your past lives

  • 24/7 text and email support from me

All for only $350.00. 

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